A key part of the American Dream is the notion of being financially independent and controlling one’s own fate. While times have changed, the idea of the American Dream is alive and well. Entrepreneurs have long realized that one of the quickest ways of achieving this dream is to own a successful business.
The majority of today’s buyers are well educated and come from the corporate world; however, they are typically not versed in the business buying process. Since these buyers are coming from the corporate world, they are fact-driven, meaning that they want to see the numbers and will pay attention to details both large and small. You can expect these buyers to want to see all necessary supporting documents. They will want to verify everything themselves. Additionally, you can expect them to employ many outside advisors. Summed up, today’s buyer is not an easy sale.
Another key fact about the modern buyer is that they are often what can best be termed as “event driven.” These are buyers that not only want to control their own destiny, but also need to buy a business for some other practical reason. For example, perhaps their current job was downsized or they were transferred to a location where they did not want to move. It
is common that people don’t have the courage to quit their current job and say goodbye to the safety of a steady paycheck in favor of a leap into the unknown. It is quite common that
there needs to be an event to stimulate the change.
If you are considering selling you business, please contact me for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. 850-532-0075, natalie@anchorfl.com